For starters, if you like to just thumb through the list you'll be pleased to know the app now has a scroll bar to make that task a lot easier.
To make the scroll bar appear all you have to do is start thumbing up or down through the list of phrases and it will appear. Then all you have to do is drag it up or down.
The new scroll bar will give you much better control over how fast or slow you move through the list and make it easier for you to stop exactly on the phrase you want.
The display now shows two new images, a star and an info bubble. Let's talk about the star first.
The star indicates that the phrase you're looking at is new. This is another great feature for those of you who like to scroll the list. It's an instant visual indicator to help you find the new phrases to review so you can add them to your mental Spanish toolbox.
The info bubble indicates there is more information available about the phrase. If you see a phrase with the info bubble, tap the bubble and a separate screen pops up with a few quick notes to that give you more detail. Here's what the info screen looks like:
You can expect to see many more phrases with info bubbles in the coming versions.
And as always, there are even more phrases. Here are a few examples:
Even more phrases and features are coming, so stay tuned. My Spanish Phrasebook is determined to be the best and most useful Spanish phrasebook on the market.
Got a feature you'd like to see implemented in the phrasebook? Do you have a new category you'd like to recommend? Do you have an alternate or regional translation you'd like to have included? Whatever is on your mind, post your comments below.
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