Sunday, January 8, 2017

Version 16 is Here!

Another release of My Spanish Phrasebook is finally here!  There's only one change to the app itself, but I think you'll appreciate it.  

You'll notice the font and images are much larger and easier to read.  That also means it's easier to touch the speaker icon so you can hear the phrase spoken out loud.

And of course, there are a lot of new phrases that have been added, 114 to be exact.  My Spanish Phrasebook now has 1877 phrases. 

Additions have been made to several categories, Beauty Shop, Work, Communication,  Movies, Vacation, Cell Phone, Clothes and Car to name a few. 

Let's take a look at a couple of the new phrases, starting with the Car Category.

It's in the trunk
Está en la maletera

While that phrase is pretty straight-forward, there are actually multiple words for the trunk of your car in Spanish.   Aside from maletera, there's cajuela, which is predominately used in Mexico.

It's in the trunk
Esta en la cajuela

You'll also find phrases that show you how to talk about the front and rear tires of your car, as well as the spare tire.

Es la llanta delantera derecha
It's the right front tire

Es la llanta trasera derecha
It's the right back tire

Necesito una llanta de refacción
I need a spare tire

Next you'll find a few new phrases for airport travel.

¿Cuánto tiempo antes hay que estar en el aeropuerto para vuelos internacionales?
How early do I have to be at the airport for an international flight?

¿Cambió la puerta de embarque para vuelo...?

Did the gate change for flight...?

And of course with this one you'd just mention your flight number at the end of the sentence.

Lastly I'll leave you with a few screen shots of some of the other new phrases.

And that's it for this release.  Going forward in addition to more phrases, you'll see some much needed and cool features added to the app, such as being able to add your own phrases. 

If you have any comments or suggestions on how to make the app more useful please leave them below.  Also feel free to mention any specific phrases or categories you'd like to see in the app.

Don't have the app?